6 Tips for Effective Interview Preparation
Natalie Salvato-Hague
April 3, 2024
6 Tips for Effective Interview Preparation
Natalie Salvato-Hague
April 3, 2024

Need help with Interview prep? Not sure how to build that all-important rapport with your interviewer? Some people really struggle with selling themselves, they know how to do their job (and well) but don’t always get this across in an interview. Sometimes it’s because they haven’t interviewed for a while and other times it’s just down to nerves. You should always go into an interview feeling fully prepared and here are a few little tips from us to help you get there…

  1. Alignment

Look at your CV and compare it to the job spec. What have you done that you can apply to the role? If you feel that there are some areas, you need to work on, turn it into a positive; how does your other experience transfer? What other skills do you have that you can bring to the role? If you feel an alignment between your CV and the job spec, it’ll be easier for you to demonstrate how perfect you are for the role!

  1. Expand

Continually expand on your answers and, if possible, back them up with examples. Try not to give closed answers. An interview should flow well so you can build a good rapport, and it shouldn’t feel like a quick-fire list of questions to blast through as quickly as possible. Building rapport is just as important as answering questions correctly.

  1. Research

Always, and I mean ALWAYS, do your homework on the business. You’d be surprised by the number of people who don’t do enough of this! Look up the company background, how they got started and, look into their social media presence. If there are things you don’t know about the business, that’s OK, just ask your interviewer. Try to give yourself as much time as possible to do your research, you’re much more likely to remember details if you take your time – don’t skim-read the website an hour before your interview and expect to ace it.

  1. Ask

Make sure you ask questions at the interview. These should be questions to dig deeper into the business and the role to show your interest, not basic details you could have read on the website. Ask questions like, what challenges might you face in the role? How big is the team? Who will I be working closely with? (If applicable) These kinds of questions will not only show that you’re thinking about the role in detail but it also gives you a deeper understanding of the role and the company set up.

  1. Relax

Remember that you’re all just adults having a conversation. They want to know about you and your experience, and you’re the absolute expert in that field. No one knows more about you than you do! Also, remember that the interviewers are trying to impress you, too. This is a two-way street; they’re not trying to catch you out or trick you into giving the wrong answers.

Always remember that preparation is key. Being nervous or out of practice is completely understandable so give yourself the best chance of success by doing the above and the whole process will feel much more natural and hopefully less daunting. If you’d like to discuss interview prep in more detail, give us a shout! We are always happy to help.