Making Your Mental and Physical Wellbeing a Priority as a Business Owner
Rebecca Morris
September 23, 2024
Making Your Mental and Physical Wellbeing a Priority as a Business Owner
Rebecca Morris
September 23, 2024

Mental Health in the workplace is certainly not a new subject. We understand the importance of looking after our employees to ensure they are fit and well-supported, and no doubt we have all read countless articles advising us of the best ways to do this. But, what about us Business Owners? Are we reminding ourselves that these rules also apply to us?

As a Business Owner, I remind myself daily that I have a responsibility to ensure I am fit and well, both physically and mentally, to ensure I can be the best version of myself (and that’s not just for work by the way). In truth, I feel the weight heavily of ensuring I don’t neglect myself.

The clients that I work with, and the candidates that I represent rely on me turning up every day. It’s also hugely beneficial to us all if I am prepared, upbeat, and have a positive mindset. If I were to be off sick for a long period, or my mental health was to spiral, this would have an enormous effect on myself personally as well as my business. This in turn is likely to negatively impact the clients that I represent and slow down their hiring processes. It would also halt the support I can give to job-seekers who I am representing.

I have had to become very strict with myself not just about what I eat and how often I exercise, but to know what the signs are when I might not be ok. I do not feel guilty for a second if I abandon my desk for an hour and take myself off for a run for example, I know that this will only ever have a positive effect.

I am in no way preaching here! There is no judgement if you’re not into the gym (me neither!) or don’t fancy running. There are much simpler ways in which we can ensure we are prioritising ourselves.

I have set out below some guidelines to business owners which perhaps are worth keeping in the back of your mind:

  • Set the tone for your own business – Your behaviours as the Owner will really set the tone for the wider business. By demonstrating your own commitment to self-care, you might encourage your team to do the same.
  • Stress Management – Being both mentally and physically fit will help you to be better equipped to handle any tricky situations that may arise.
  • Avoiding Burnout – Running a business is stressful, I hear you! By prioritising your own health, you are much less likely to burn out and will be able to continue leading your team with clarity and resilience.
  • Company-wide Engagement – Neglecting your own health can result in you losing engagement with your own business and your team. This might even result in your team leaving the business.
  • Clear Decision Making – As a leader, your team are looking at you for direction and clarity. By feeling mentally and physically strong, you will be able to make much clearer decisions and steer the business positively.
  • Work-Life Balance – I will bang the drum on this subject forever! Work-life balance is essential! Business owners should model this balance to their teams and ensure personal lives are prioritised as much as work – both have tremendous effects on the other.

In summary, as business owners, we mustn’t neglect our physical and mental health. Ultimately, we lead by example within our business, creating the foundations for our teams’ dynamic. By prioritising our own wellbeing and work-life balance, we are nurturing a positive workplace culture where hopefully our businesses and teams can thrive.